Exhibition: Georgie Hopton

Visiting Hours

Georgie Hopton
Aug – Jan 2013/4
The Royal London Hospital Gallery

Artist Georgie Hopton has selected twelve of her beautiful still life photographs to explore the contemporary context of this classic art genre.

‘With this collection of still life photographs I hope to bring to the corridors of The Royal London a glimpse into my artistic practice that feeds and inspires the rest of my work – the vegetable prints, sculpture and collages. The slow, controlled looking that these compositions demand, acts like a nurtured bed from which many more ideas emerge. When making these images, I intend to evoke both pathos and hope – the duality that preoccupies me and which I feel describes the human condition. These two sensations resonant in the context of a hospital and are often embodied in the gift of flowers or fruit commonly offered to patients. It seems natural that my depictions of these should be added to those arriving in the arms of visitors. For those who come empty handed or here to work, I hope these artworks give them something to contemplate or take away to share.’
Georgie Hopton 2013.

Hopton has recently completed a new commission for the hospital, Outside, Inside 2013, which can be viewed on the first floor corridor.

Georgie Hopton has created beautiful hand collaged limited edition silkscreen for Vital Arts and the Brain Research Trust, which is on sale here, A Veg Print For All Seasons, 2013.


AiR: Sophie Arkette


Heart Agency donations 2013