Marta Marcé

Marta Marcé lives and works between London and Berlin and has been exhibiting internationally for over two decades. Her artistic practice is a form of playful experimentation that combines the rational and the intuitive within abstract painting. Marcé worked on many different projects and series (see her 2009 commission for Vital Arts here).

For#100NHSROOMS she made some watercolours from her ‘Tabula Rasa’ series. These artworks are quiet, encouraging silence and meditation through patient observation. She says there is:

“Delicacy and fragility of the pieces, where I added only a small intervention to just activate the rice paper. The rhythms in the mark-making, a like the balance one has in the mind between the rational and the intuitive. Tabula Rasa (a clean slate), a new beginning always possible.”

Marta Marcé, Tabula Rasa 1-4, 2019, Mixed media on Japanese Rice Paper, Copyright artist

Marta Marcé, Tabala Rasa installed at St Barts Hospital, Ward 4C staffroom


Cedar Lewisohn


Haroon Mirza