Diango Hernández

Diango Hernández began his artistic practice in Cuba in 1994 as a co-founder of Ordo Amoris Cabinet, a group of artists and designers who focused on invented solutions for home design objects to compensate for a permanent shortage of materials and goods. The artist moved to Europe in 2003 and currently lives and works in Düsseldorf.

The artist donated two groups to #100NHSROOMS, he said of the works and the donation; “Both groups are based on a single word, the same word in two different languages, L O V E and A M O R. My grandfather, my uncle, cousins and several other relatives of mine are doctors. I grew up witnessing their great deal of dedication to their profession and patients. These two works donated are a celebration, a way of showing my most deep gratitude once more again to ALL NHS personnel, AMOR to all of you.”

Hernández has exhibited internationally, with solo exhibitions at the Kunsthalle, Basel, 2006, and the Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, 2007. His work was exhibited in the Arsenale as part of the 51st Venice Biennale and the Biennale of Sydney and the São Paulo Biennial, both in 2006. His work is in collections including The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany; Museum of Fine Art Huston, Huston; and Collectión Bergé, Madrid, Spain.

Diango Hernández, Horizonte Amor and Hashtag Love, 2020, Pigment print on paper, ©Diango Hernandez

Diango Hernández; Hashtag Love installed at Barts Hospital, East Wing staffroom (top left), Hastag Love installed in Newham Hospital East Ham Break Room (top right), Hastag Love installed in Newham Hospital West Ham Break Room (bottomleft), Horizonte Amor Installed in Royal London Hospital, Imaging Staff Room (bottom right)


Anne Hardy


Henry Hudson