Hannah Collins

True Stories Barts, 2010

Digital prints
Imaging Department, St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Acclaimed international artist Hannah Collins has completed a series of panoramic photographs for the Barts Imaging Department.  Taken from the roof of Barts, this series show a view north, east, south or west of the hospital.  Along with well known London landmarks, Collins has deliberately captured some of the more mundane cityscape in view.  The artist’s use of acid colours lends a sense of artifice, making the images seem staged and fictional. Collins considers these to be “like an opening sequence to a film each being the film of that day.”

Hannah Collins was born in London and has lived in the UK and Spain throughout her life. Collins has received many awards including a Fulbright Scholarship and was nominated for the Turner Prize in 1993. Her body of work includes photographs, films, written texts and books. She is known for her work in expanding the fields of photography and film. Her works are embedded in historical and social frameworks with a wide range of subjects and geographical locations. Her involvement in a body of work often continues over many years.

“I was delighted to see the beautiful exhibition of photographs in the waiting room. A brilliant choice of London vistas! It made the hospital visit so much more pleasant.”

Patient at Barts Hospital


Catherine Bertola


James Ireland