Studio Wayne McGregor

Dance sessions for older adults

Photo: © Grace Owen

Vital Arts is pleased to have been partnering with Studio Wayne McGregor since 2020, when Studio Wayne McGergor embarked on their first engagement project within a hospital setting. A series of dance workshops for older patients at the Royal London Hospital were led by the company’s Dance Animateur, Lily Dettmer. Through chair-based exercises and creative tasks, patients were able to improve their mobility, co-ordination and strength. Each session was bespoke to the needs of participants and aimed to boost confidence and mood.

Since then, a further set of 12 workshops have been developed for the summer of 2023. These workshops focus on patient mobility and well-being, providing short interactions of dance, music, song and conversation. The workshops were co-designed with Royal London Hospital’s Elderly Care team.

Studio Wayne McGregor is a professional contemporary dance company lead by world renowned choreographer and director Wayne McGregor MBE. Based at Here East on the Olympic Park, they deliver a broad spectrum of high-quality arts learning and participation projects.

Outcomes and evaluation

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It was brilliant! I’ve never seen my mum like that - she seems very happy.

Patient’s son





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