Morag Myerscough

Rainbow Unit, 2017

Painted wooden panels, bespoke wallpaper, glazing and interactive hand-painted world map
Ground Floor, Children’s outpatients and inpatients, Newham Hospital

In March 2017, Alwen Williams, Barts Health NHS Trust Chief Executive, unveiled our newly refurbished paediatric unit Rainbow Unit at Newham University Hospital, which included an integrated design by Morag Myerscough—her fifth major project for Vital Arts. Working early on with the architects, Morag developed a layered project across various surfaces with a range of materials throughout the Unit.

These include designs on glazed walls leading to the outdoor area, hand-painted wood panels, interactive magnetic surfaces, and bespoke wallpaper and privacy screens.

Along the corridors Morag employed a graduating colour scheme that transitions from warmer orange and red to cooler blue and green. All elements sport her characteristic bright, bold, geometric patterns that dazzle and delight.

Other commissions by Morag Myerscough


Rhys Coren


Jessica Hook and Florence Meunier